Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obama has Aides

There is this great South Park Episode "Jared Has Aides" lampooning the guy who did all of those commercials about losing weight while eating (strictly) at Subway. In case it's not obvious, Jared goes around telling people that it wasn't eating Subway that caused him to lose all the weight, it was the help he had from his dietitian, personal trainer, etc. You know, aides.

Traveling the country recommending that to lose weight, people should just "get aides": not advised. And perhaps it's not the best idea for a comedy show either, but Matt & Trey can make 22 minutes of hilariousness about this. They are that good.

Anyway, South Park rarely leaves an opportunity to poke fun at itself sitting on the table, and at the end of the episode they unveil a monument celebrating the fact that, after 22.3 years, AIDS is finally funny. Or at least, you can make a joke about it.

I thought of this because the NYTimes has an article today about the difficulty late night (white) comedy hosts have making jokes about Barack Obama. Work harder fellows! It can (and must!) be done:
“There’s been this question about whether he’s black enough. What does he have to do? Dunk? He bowled a 37 — to me, that’s black enough.”

-- The irrepressible and irreplaceable Bill Maher


Christie said...

What's your take on the cover of the New Yorker? Satire or just plain old bad taste?

B. E. Busby said...

Exceptionally bad taste.

Jared Episode may be watched here:
